The 8:30am Mass, Sun., Feb, 9, at St. Francis also cancelled but Fr. Javis still saying Mass for locals who live close by - please do not take any unnecessary risks! Daylight and a little more time will allow for assessing the 11:00 Masses at St. Bernard and Our Lady of Good Hope.
The 8am Mass this morning, Feb. 9, at St. Bernard in Rockland is canceled due to snow. We are still assessing Belfast for the 8:30 at St. Francis and the 11:00s at St. Bernard and Our Lady of Good Hope. Stay tuned.
The parish’s first monthly 12-hour Eucharistic Adoration of 2025 will take place on Friday, January 3rd at St. Francis of Assisi in Belfast. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place after the 8:00am Mass and continue through 9:00pm.
The St. Bernard Soup Kitchen is closed today due to the snow, but conditions should be better in time for the 4pm Christmas Eve Masses at all our churches - be safe!
In addition to normal Confession times -- half an hour before Masses and during evening Adoration -- there is a special Penitential Service on Thursday, Dec. 19 at St. Bernard at 6:00pm with guest priest, Fr. Philip Clements, giving Gospel reflection followed by Confession available, several priests in attendance.
Join us for Solemn Vespers this Advent--Exposition & Benediction, evening prayer and chant, plus hymns at St. Francis of Assisi in Belfast on Sunday, December 8 at 5:30pm.
In this week's 'Auspice Maria,' Bishop Ruggieri reflects on the many reasons for being thankful for the country we live in and for being able to live by the compass of Catholicism....for now.
On Saturday, November 2nd there will be an All Souls' Day Rosary at Coughlin Cemetery in Rockland at 10am. In commemorating those who have died on All Souls’ Day, we will particularly remember those who have died in our parish this past year by reading aloud their names
Friday, Nov. 1st is All Saints' Day and a holy day of obligation - here are the Mass times:
--Thurs, Vigil, Oct. 31st: 6:30pm at St. Bernard in Rockland (and no Adoration that evening)
--Fri, Nov. 1st: 8:00am at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Belfast
--Fri, Nov. 1st: 8:00am at Our Lady of Good Hope in Camden (Livestream), followed by 12-Hour Eucharistic Adoration
If the Eucharist you receive every week is not transforming your life, then please join us at St. Bernard from 12pm -2pm this Sunday, Oct. 20th! There will be a light lunch, brief talks from those who attended the National Eucharistic Congress, a Q&A, faith sharing, Adoration and a free book. Click for registration details (it's free)!
Please note that this coming week, Monday through Friday, Oct. 7th to 14th, our priests will be on a retreat, so there will be no Adoration or Masses on weekdays this week. Our Churches will still be open during the week for prayer from 12:00 to 3:00pm. Please let us pray that Fr. Athanasius and Fr. Javis have a blessed and fruitful retreat.
This weekend, the children from our parish Faith Formation Sacraments classes are receiving their First Communion and Confirmation at the 4:00pm Mass at St. Francis in Belfast with Bishop Ruggieri. Please keep them in your prayers!
Join the parish as it prepares for the Feast of St. Francis on Fri., Oct. 4th with a Novena, First Friday Adoration, and 5:30pm Mass followed by a potluck feast!
Please join us for movie ('The Letter') and soup & dessert on Monday, Sept. 16, 5:30pm at St. Francis in Belfast. This documentary on climate change, based on Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si’, follows different ecological advocates from around the world: a climate refugee from Senegal, a young activist from India, two marine biologists from the United States, and the leader of an indigenous community in Brazil.
St. Brendan's Feast Day Mass Schedule is Wed., Aug.14th – Vigil Mass, 5:30pm at St. Francis, Belfast, Thurs., Aug. 15th – 12:00noon at Our Lady of Good Hope, Camden, and Thurs., Aug.15th – 5:30pm at St. Bernard, Rockland.
This week we welcome Reverend Javis Laban to our parish. Fr. Javis has been appointed parochial vicar for St. Brendan the Navigator Parish in Camden, effective August 1, 2024. Read more here...