We have some important changes in the Mass schedule this weekend as Fr. Anthanasius has tested positive for Covid. So, in addition to prayers for his speedy recovery!, the Mass and SCAP (Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest) schedule will be as follows:
St. Bernard:
Saturday, Oct. 7, 6:00pm - Mass with Fr. Divine*
Sunday, Oct. 8, 8:00am and 11:00am SCAPs with Deacon Bob (Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest)
*Please note that Father Divine will not be able to get to St. Bernard in time for Confessions at the 6pm Mass.
Our Lady of Good Hope
Saturday, Oct. 7, 4:00pm SCAP with Deacon Bob
Sunday, Oct. 8, 11:00am Mass with Fr. Divine
St. Francis of Assisi
Saturday, Oct. 7, 4:00pm Mass with Fr. Divine
Sunday, Oct. 8, 8:30am Mass with Fr. Divine
To learn more about Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest, click here