Mass Schedule for the Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God
From the Vatican webiste: "There truly are many messages to be received on this first day of the year. We are invited to learn from the Virgin Mary to “keep” the Word in our hearts, and to ask ourselves what the Lord Jesus wants to say to us as the days go by, knowing that God’s blessing always accompanies us..."
Join us for Mass on January 1st!
Our Lady of Good Hope, Camden
Sunday, Dec. 31 - 4:00pm ~ Fr. Divine
Monday, Jan. 1 - 11:00am ~ Fr. Joseph
St. Bernard Church, Rockland
Sunday, Dec. 31 - 6:00pm ~ Fr. Divine
Monday, Jan. 1 - 8:00am ~ Fr. Divine
Monday, Jan. 1 - 11:00am ~ Fr. Divine
St. Francis of Assisi, Belfast
Sunday, Dec. 24 - 4:00pm ~ Fr. Joseph
Monday, Jan. 1 - 8:30am ~ Fr. Joseph