PARISH MASS SCHEDULE (See weather cancellation info below)
SATURDAY: Confession available a half-hour preceding weekend Masses:
4:00pm at Our Lady of Good Hope, Camden
4:00pm at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Belfast
6:00pm at St. Bernard Church, Rockland
8:00am at St. Bernard Church, Rockland
8:30am at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Belfast
11:00am at Our Lady of Good Hope, Camden
11:00am at St. Bernard Church, Rockland
6:30pm at Our Lady of Good Hope, Camden (5:30pm Adoration)
8:00am at St. Bernard Church, Rockland
8:00am at Our Lady of Good Hope, Camden
6:30pm at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Belfast (5:30pm Adoration)
6:30pm at St. Bernard Church, Rockland (5:30pm Adoration)
8:00am at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Belfast
For Saturday Vigil Mass cancellations: As early as noon but no later than 2:00PM on Saturday, please go to
WABI Channel 5, or
WCSH Channel 6
to view any cancellations.
Belfast is RSU71, Camden is RSU28/MSAD28 and Rockland is RSU13. Camden/Rockport schools will show a weather alert button on bottom of this page:
For Sunday Mass cancellations: The evening prior to but no later than 6 am Sunday, please go to WABI or WCSH (links above) to view any cancellations.
Parishioners who receive Flocknote email will be notified by email.
If Sunday Mass is cancelled, all other activities at the churches will also be cancelled, Faith Formation, breakfasts, meetings, etc.
For weekday Masses: If school is delayed or cancelled there will be no morning Mass. Evening Adoration/Mass will be determined on a case-by-case basis and, if cancelled, parishioners will be notified by the means above and by no later than 3 pm that day.
Note: We use these resources as oftentimes, during severe weather events, the parish office will be closed so the phone message will not have updated cancellation information.