Please join us for movie ('The Letter') and soup & dessert on Monday, Sept. 16, 5:30pm at St. Francis in Belfast. This documentary on climate change, based on Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si’, follows different ecological advocates from around the world: a climate refugee from Senegal, a young activist from India, two marine biologists from the United States, and the leader of an indigenous community in Brazil.
The parish’s monthly 12-hour Eucharistic Adoration will take place on Friday, September 6th at St. Bernard in Rockland. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place after the 8:00am Mass and continue through 9:00pm.
St. Brendan's Feast Day Mass Schedule is Wed., Aug.14th – Vigil Mass, 5:30pm at St. Francis, Belfast, Thurs., Aug. 15th – 12:00noon at Our Lady of Good Hope, Camden, and Thurs., Aug.15th – 5:30pm at St. Bernard, Rockland.
This week we welcome Reverend Javis Laban to our parish. Fr. Javis has been appointed parochial vicar for St. Brendan the Navigator Parish in Camden, effective August 1, 2024. Read more here...
Please sign up for the parish' monthly 12-hour Eucharistic Adoration on July 5th -- Exposition will be from 9am to 9pm at St. Francis in Belfast. Two people are needed to spend time with Our Lord for each hour, see sign-up details...
Our Lady of Good Hope will celebrate our Feast Day on Sunday, June 30th. After a celebratory 11am Mass, there will be food and fellowship. Come join us in celebrating our Feast Day at Our Lady of Good Hope!
Please join us in celebrating the 40th anniversary of the St. Bernard Soup Kitchen this Saturday, June 29th, from 2pm-6pm! The party will take place in the parking lot of St. Bernard and will include live music, games, and good food! All members of the parish and public are welcome to attend.
Fr. Kyle Doustou, pastor of Our Resurrection of the Lord parish in Old Town gave a moving and insightful presentation on Tuesday, May 28th at 5:30pm at Our Lady of Good Hope in Camden. See the livestream video and download the handout!
Please note that the parish office will be closed on Monday, May 27 in honor of the Memorial Day holiday. The Monday Mass at Our Lady of Good Hope will be at 8:00am and there will be no Adoration or Mass in the evening. Let us keep veterans and their families in our prayers!
Thursday, May 9th is the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord and a holy day of obligation. There'll be a 6:30pm Vigil Mass on Wed., May 8th at St. Francis, and on Thurs., May 9th, an 8am Mass at Our Lady and a 6:30pm Mass at St. Bernard.
Fr. Divine and Deacon Bob will lead the Feast of Divine Mercy celebration at St. Bernard this Sunday, April 7, at 2:30pm in Rockland. There will be Exposition and the singing of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. If you have never been before, then come experience a grace- and peace-filled celebration—you will not be disappointed!
Due to the severity of today's weather and current road conditions we are cancelling tonight's 5:30pm Adoration and 6:30pm Mass at St. Bernard in Rockland.
Please sign up for our next 12-hour Eucharistic Adoration. It will be taking place on April 5th at St. Francis of Assisi in Belfast. Two people are needed for each hour. Please sign up on Flocknote or by filling out the forms located at Church entrances.
Saturday eve Masses will still be on but parishioners are urged to use discretion and not take any unnecessary risks! You can always get to the Palm Sunday Mass on Sunday if/when there area safer road conditions.
Come spend time on the beautiful sacrament of your marriage this Lent. Join us on Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 1:00pm at Our Lady of Good Hope in Camden to learn from everyday couples about barriers, obstacles and how hurt feelings and downward spirals can be stopped and understood. Learn more...
Come join our Stations and Soup evenings on Fridays in our Churches during Lent: 5:30pm at St. Bernard in Rockland, 5:30pm at Our Lady of Good Hope in Camden, and 6:00pm at St. Francis in Belfast.
"A proposed bill to create new rights for “gender-affirming care” and “reproductive health care” in Maine law is a direct attack on the beauty and truth of human life as embodied in the natural reality of the human family. It is both unconstitutional and immoral." Read more of Bishop Deely's Statement regarding Bill L.D. 227