The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross or Via Crucis, commemorate Jesus' passion and death on the cross. In addition to praying them anytime, you may join fellow parishioners at any of our Churches during Lent on Friday eves...
St. Bernard Church 150 Broadway, Rockland 5:30pm Followed by Soup & Bread Email Margaret Cucinello at with any questions or further information about the schedule.
Our Lady of Good Hope Church 7 Union St., Camden 4:00pm Soup/6:00pm Adoration/6:30pm Stations If you are interested in donating a pot of soup or dessert, please contact Michelle Chamberlain at or call 907-8120. For questions about the schedule contact Maureen O’Donnell at
St. Francis of Assisi, Belfast 81 Court St. 6:30pm Stations followed by meatless soup and bread.