Father Divine will be leading prayers for all our beloved dead at Coughlin Cemetery on Rankin St. in Rockland on All Souls Day, Wed., Nov. 2 at 12:00pm. All are welcomed to attend.
All Saints' Day, a holy day of obligation, is Tuesday, November 1, 2022. The Mass schedule is as follows: Monday, Oct. 31st, Vigil Mass, 6:30pm at Our Lady of Good Hope in Camden (preceded by an hour of Adoration), Tuesday, Nov. 1st, 8:00am at St. Bernard, Rockland, and 6:30pm at St. Francis of Assisi in Belfast.
Sunday soccer is back in action this Sunday, Oct. 30! Father Divine will kick things off on the pitch and Father Nathan assures us his referee whistle is working! Players and spectators of all ages are invited to True Park in Hope at 2:30 pm. Bring your own water and a snack to share. FMI text Carol Brownawell at 410-714-4549.
Pictured here is Blessed Chiara Baldano who succumbed to bone cancer at the age of 18. She traveled to a "Family Fest" in Italy when she was 9 years old and her life was changed forever at this meeting of the Focolare Movement. Read more...
Junior high and high school youth are welcome to join Father Nathan this Sunday evening, Oct. 16 beginning at 5:30 pm at Our Lady of Good Hope in Camden for a group viewing and discussion of “The Search” looking at life’s big questions about God and faith.
Our parish welcomes anyone who grieves the loss of a child, no matter the age or when the loss took place, to join us for a special Mass on Friday evening, Oct. 14th at 6pm at Our Lady of Good Hope in Camden.
Our parish will soon be offering a training for altar servers with Father Divine, date TBD. If you are interested, please call the parish office at 236-4785. Servers should have already received holy communion for the first time and normally receive the eucharist whenever they participate in the liturgy. More...