Join a 6-week women's 'Walking with Purpose' Bible Study, entitled 'Living in the Father’s Love.' Tuesday eves at 6:30pm from May 10th—June 14th at Our Lady of Good Hope in Camden. Learn more...
On April 30th, Fr. Divine celebrated his 8th Anniversary of Ordination. Cake and congratulations were a plenty after the Masses at St. Bernad on April 30th and May 1st. Thank you for your priesthood Fr. Divine!
On Sunday, April 24th, the parish celebrated the Feast of Divine Mercy at all three parish churches with a holy hour, praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Litany of Divine Mercy.
The Light Is on for You! at St. Brendan the Navigator Parish, the week of April 4th. Click here to see the schedule. Also, come back to Mass this Holy Week and Easter, and bring a friend!
Father Nathan and Father Divine joined high school youth Lil, Erin, Kalli and Sam (along with honorary parish mascot, Cappy) to hike Erickson Fields Preserve in Rockport on Sunday, April 10th.