Join Fr. Nathan in the blessing of your scaly, furry or feathered friends on the Feast of St. Francis as St. Brendan and St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church join together for a Blessing of Animals on Tues., Oct. 4th at 4pm in front of St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Belfast. More...
Want to learn how to make rosaries, or teach others how to? Beginners to veteran rosary makers are invited to join others making rosaries at Saint Francis of Assisi Church in Belfast after the 8:30am Mass on Sunday, October 2nd in the Chapel/Library area.
Family Faith Formation begins on Sunday, October 2nd at 10am at St. Francis Parish Hall. Of course, we will be talking about our saint of the month, St. Francis - plus more!
In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, come join us for pizza and a movie after the 4pm Mass at St. Francis in Belfast on Saturday, October 1st! From The Ministry of the Wild Goose comes a new breathtaking film -- St. Francis of Assisi: Sign of Contradiction. It wasn't until St. Francis encountered Jesus Christ that his darkness and confusion were replaced with light and peace. Learn more...
Join Deacon Bob as he leads us through reflections on Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si' (On Care for Our Common Home) at Head of the Tide Nature Preserve, located on Doak Rd in Belfast. Learn more...
Come enjoy some scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and world famous grits prepared by the Belfast Knights of Columbus. Breakfast will take place after the 8:30am Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Belfast Bring your appetite!
This holiday weekend, as many of us prepare to enjoy a “normal” holiday for the first time in several years, I can’t help but think of the many people whose lives were forever changed by the pandemic...