The Belfast Knights will be selling Super Bowl Sunday Hoagies as a fundraiser to support a seminarian. We'll be taking orders after the Sat/Sun Masses on January 28/29 and February 4/5...
The next parish 12-Hour Adoration is planned for Friday, February 3, 2023 at St. Bernard in Rockland. Two people are needed for each hour. Come adore the Lord! More...
We welcome our new shepherd and parish administrator Fr. Anthanaisus Wirsiy starting on Monday, January 16th. Father Anthanasius, ordained in 2003, is a diocesan priest from the Diocese of Kumbo in Cameroon. He began his missionary work in Maine on January 26th, 2017. Welcome Father!
Come join parishioners wishing Father Nathan Godspeed after the 11am Mass at St. Bernard on this Sunday, Jan. 15th as he embarks on his new assignment.