The Most Very Rev. Robert P. Deeley, J.C.D. administered the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at the 11am Mass at St. Bernard in Rockland.
Please join your fellow parishioners in celebrating the Triduum of Hallowtide. Please find below the Mass schedule, as well as some Catholic resources regarding the festivities of All Hallows Eve, lest we forget its Catholicity!
Join Fr. Anthanasius and Fr. Divine for soccer on Sunday, Oct. 22nd at True Park in Hope at 2:30pm! All families invited, bring your sneaks and a snack to share!
The Pro-Life Ministry is hosting a pasta supper and movie about Our Lady of Guadalupe after the 4pm Mass at St Francis in Belfast this Saturday, October 14th. If you forgot to RSVP but would still like to join, please do come!
We have some important changes in the Mass schedule this weekend -- there will be both Masses and Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest with Deacon Bob. Click to learn the details...
The Monday, October 9th Mass time will be at 8:00am at Our Lady of Good Hope in Camden. There will be no 5:30pm Adoration or Mass. The Parish Office will be closed for Columbus holiday.
St. Francis of Assisi in Belfast is hosting a Transitus service commemorating the death of St. Francis on Tuesday, October 3rd at 6pm, 81 Court St. in Belfast. Come and witness the holy death of one of our parish's patron saints as relayed by his companions at the time!