St. Brendan the Navigator Parish is now accepting registration for Faith Formation classes for 2024-2025! Click the first button below for the Faith Formation Registration form in Pdf format, and click the second button for online and Pdf Sacrament Class registration:
Faith Formation Registration Form - Pdf
SACRAMENT CLASS REGISTRATIONThe Most Very Rev. Robert P. Deeley, J.C.D. administered the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at the 11am Mass at St. Bernard in Rockland. Congratulations to our 2023 Confirmandi and First Communicants!
We are happy to welcome new families to our parish and faith formation programs!
The policy of the Diocese of Portland, Maine follows the order of the sacraments as they were originally celebrated. Therefore, normally baptism is celebrated when the child is an infant. The order for the reception of the other sacraments, which normally takes place when the child is in Grade 2 or Year II of the Sacrament Preparation Program is:
Reconciliation > Confirmation > Holy Eucharist
Diocese of Portland: Restored Order of SacramentsThe Preparation Program for the Sacraments begins at age 6, and the child is enrolled in Year I of the program. During this year the child is taught prayers and begins to learn about the Church and the sacraments, while at the same time, deepening their relationship with Jesus.
The program continues in Year II and the child continues to learn about the sacraments, the Eucharistic Celebration and the Saints before beginning the actual preparation for the reception of the sacraments.
If a child starts faith formation at a later age, they are still required to have a two-year preparation before receiving the sacraments.
At this time in St. Brendan the Navigator Parish, parents have the option of Family Faith Formation gatherings at either St. Francis in Belfast or at St. Bernard in Rockland. Calendar of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Events
Children who are in Year I and Year II, which are the sacrament preparation classes, must meet regularly during the year in person in order to satisfy the requirements for the sacrament program. Contact the Parish Office for more information (207) 236-4785.