The St. Bernard Soup Kitchen is located at: 150 Broadway, Rockland.
Serving lunch Monday through Friday from 11:30am to noon.
Contact Phone Number: 207-594-5204
For local food pantry and soup kitchen list, click the button below:
St. Brendan Food Resource List
AIO Food Pantry (70 Thomaston St, Rockland). This week’s item is personal care items, TP, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, fem prod., bladder pads, handiwipes, disposable sanitary cloths, hand sanitizer next week is bottled water.
TIF Food Pantry (Thomaston Municipal Facility , 13 Valley St. in Thomaston): Non-perishable food items, coupons for non-perishable food items, and recycled grocery bags.
Camden Area Christian Food Pantry: Collection is 3rd week of each month. Items needed are hearty soups, CEREAL (especially!), canned fruit, and macaroni. If you or anyone you know are experiencing food insecurity, please let them know that the Camden Area Christian Food Pantry is open for all families in Camden,
Rockport, Appleton, Hope, Lincolnville, Union, Searsmont, Washington and Islesboro, two days a week to provide families with a healthy supply of nutritious food. Thanks to the generosity of Good Shepherd Food Bank, Hannaford, and many local donors, we have meat, eggs, milk, canned goods, bread and pastries, produce, personal necessities, and other goods available each week. The pantry is open on Tuesdays from 8am to 11am and on Thursdays from 4pm to 6pm. It is located on 128 Mt. Battie Street in Camden; phone 236-9790.
GBAM Food Cupboard St Francis: We need breakfast cereals, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce and pasta to help local families. Donate these items by putting them in the boxes at the Church doors — thank you!
Belfast Soup Kitchen: 1 Belmont Ave, Belfast. Open Mon-Fri 10:30-12:30.