Saturday: 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am
Wednesday: 6:30pm (Adoration at 5:30pm)
Friday: 8:00am
Confession: Half an hour before each Mass and by appointment.
Adoration: Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm, preceding the 6:30pm Mass.
In the summer of 1827, Bishop Fenwick of Boston visited part of his diocese in Maine and discovered two Irish families in Belfast. There were 12 to 14 persons in one room, hungry, whom he fed and heard their confessions. The community of Catholics grew, and a church was finally built and completed in 1891 through the generosity of William Brannagan, a longtime resident of Belfast. It was dedicated on Thanksgiving Day by Bishop James C. Healey. In 1895 Mr. Brannagan donated the lot next door and paid for a rectory. In the following years, a small hall was added to the church and then in 1985 the hall was rebuilt and enlarged connecting the church and rectory. Today it is a much loved gathering place next to an oft refreshed church interior that can hold 180 of it's 350 families.