Since the Caring Fund’s
establishment in 2004, parishioners of St. Brendan the Navigator have made a profound difference in the lives of thousands of our needy brothers and sisters who live in Haiti, Brazil, India, El Salvador, Cameroon and Maine.
The Caring Fund committee meet monthly to discuss and choose a project whether internationally or local to where the funds raised will go the furthest to help those in need and to be self sustaining. The fundraiser is held one weekend annually in the summer. The date of that weekend changes each year.
Below is a summary of what parishioners and visitors through their generosity have been able to accomplish.
Haiti - After the devastating 2010 earthquake when 220,000 people died and 1.5 million were left homeless in a country where the average daily income was $0.25 - $1.00 US/day. St Brendan’s collected $32,000 and partnered with the Haitian Health Foundation to help with rebuilding lives, jobs and a future. This was a one-time project.
Brazil - San Pedro, the sister parish of St. Bernard’s in Baia Formosa. Starting in 1997 with assistance for funding the construction of a new church (which parishioners there built) and ten years later a new Social and Crafts Center where textile and craft skills are taught allowing women to earn a livelihood instead of resorting to prostitution. Our contact in Brazil was Sr. Priscilla Roy which at last contact Sr. Priscilla communicated that they are no longer in need of our assistance.
India - In collaboration with the AHM (Ales Hrebesky) Memorial Trust in the village/region of Dharmathupatti the Caring Fund established a $25,000 micro-loan seed capital that helped hundreds of women start small businesses, contribute to family income, gain respect and a voice which also resulted in a decline of spousal abuse and domestic violence. Also $20,000 was raised for the training of unemployed carpenters, electricians & computer technicians. A third collection helped in the construction of a home for the elderly. AHM has since acquired additional sources for funding and is no longer dependent on St. Brendan’s support for their numerous health, sanitation,education and micro-loan projects.
El Salvador - El Pueblo de Dios en Camino, in San Ramon is the sister parish/community of Our Lady of Good Hope since 1999. In 2011 we sent $10,000 as an endowment for a very successful microcredit lending fund and $5,000 for 2 large water tanks. Since that time we have provided that community and those living near by on the volcano, sanitation (latrines) and shelter (lamina sheets for roofing), education for the children and expanded the number of water tanks. Those projects have all been successful.
Maine - Through the efforts of St. Francis Church a local need was identified and we have had a number of fundraisers for the purchase of inserts from the Window Dressers program to help keep Maine families in need warm during the cold winter months. Home visits by volunteers are made to measure windows and local workshops are set up for volunteers to build the inserts.
Cameroon - In 2022 the Caring Fund raised money for the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary based in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. The money was sent to a school in Bamenda, Cameroon run by the sisters. The school houses children fleeing war and also children that are hearing and speech impaired.
All of these projects have been successful and the Caring Fund will continue to help those in need wherever that may be.
Updated May 8, 2023